Elena Santini

Elena Santini
Pronouns: she/her/hers

I completed MAPH in 2018 and received my BA from the College of William & Mary in French & Francophone Literature in 2014. As an undergraduate, I tutored and was a teaching assistant for beginning Italian, and spent as many semesters as I was allowed studying abroad. I then spent the years before coming to MAPH waiting tables, scribing for emergency room doctors, and taking part-time classes to fill in what I perceived to be woefully large gaps in my science knowledge. During my MAPH year, I pursued courses mostly in French literature, Italian literature, and music, with an ultimate thesis encompassing all three on Giacomo Puccini’s La bohème and its source texts. Outside of MAPH, you can generally find me knitting and falling progressively more in love with the city of Chicago, as well as eternally searching for the best restaurant patio in the city.